What is a Rotaract Club?
Rotaract is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are either community- or university-based, and sponsored by a local Rotary club. This makes them true "partners in service" and key members of the family of Rotary.
The Rotaract Club of Salt Lake is a group of young professionals and students committed to personal, professional and community development. Rotaract fosters leadership and responsibility, encourages high ethical standards, and promotes international understanding and peace. Our Rotaractors are working closely with the refugee community in Salt Lake. They partner with the Hser Ner Moo Center -- a local welcoming center for people with refugee status -- and support their afterschool programs for children and teenagers. They also meet with local residents to collaborate on community-wide projects, such as development of the Pathways Garden. Additionally, with the mentorship and support of the Rotarians, Rotaractors can attend monthly professional development and leadership workshops. Workshops cover topics such as body language and communication, determining your professional goals and career, landing the job you want, leadership and management, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and more. They traveled to Guatamala in May 2011 for a humanitarian trip. We invite you to learn more about how to get involved with the Rotaract Club of Salt Lake. Read articles about their service on the News Room page.
For information, please e-mail saltlakerotaract@gmail.com. They look forward to hearing from you!
Check out the Rotaract Club of Salt Lake on Facebook.
Rotaract Club of Salt Lake Officers
President - Miriam Kramer, University of Utah, masters in human development & social policy
Vice President - Ellie Nazzel, Utah Valley University, elementary education
Treasurer - Chris Lee, University of Utah, finance
Membership Coordinator - Jerika Michel, Westminster College
Professional Development Coordinator - Mandy Hansen, University of Utah, bioengineering
Outreach Coordinator - Charity Jessop, Salt Lake Community College, English